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Lowick & Slipton Parish Council


This page contains Council's documents and policies which guide the Council and Councillors in what they are allowed to do.

File NameLast ModifiedFile Size
Accidnet reporting.pdf06 October 2023108kB
Appraisal Policy 1.pdf09 January 2021298kB
Cllr Code of conduct TandPC.pdf09 January 2021116kB
Complaints Procedure 19th MFeb 2020.pdf09 January 2021109kB
Data Breach Policy V2 for adoption.pdf09 January 2021434kB
Data map.pdf09 January 2021254kB
Data Protection Policy.pdf09 January 2021126kB
Dignity at Work Policy.pdf14 October 2022253kB
Drayton Road Recreation Field and Playground Routine and Ope.pdf02 October 2023100kB
Environment Plan.pdf06 February 202496kB
Environment Policy.pdf06 February 202462kB
Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf09 January 2021334kB
Expenses Policy.pdf09 January 2021382kB
General Risk Assessments.pdf09 January 2021413kB
Grievance and disciplinary policy.pdf09 January 2021449kB
Health and Safety Policy.pdf09 January 2021311kB
Information available from LS Parish Council under the Model.pdf26 March 2021442kB
Lone Working Policy.pdf09 January 2021413kB
ls Parish Council Website Management Policy.pdf20 July 2023154kB
Model Financial Regulations 2019.pdf09 January 2021431kB
Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy.pdf21 November 2024102kB
Privacy Notice Staff.pdf09 January 2021644kB
Privacy Notice.pdf09 January 2021145kB
Records Retention Policy V3.pdf09 January 2021589kB
Risk management Policy Statement.pdf24 March 202391kB
Safeguarding_Policy_North_Parishes.pdf02 October 2023132kB
Sickness and absence policy.pdf09 January 2021462kB
Small Grants Policy.pdf17 April 2024118kB
Standing orders August 2019.pdf09 January 2021507kB
Subject Access Request Procedure.pdf09 January 2021586kB
Training Plan Cllrs.pdf09 January 2021288kB
Training Statement of Intent.pdf09 January 2021208kB