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Lowick & Slipton Parish Council

Police Matters

Northamptonshire Police has a free message alert system, to help people living and working in Northamptonshire be much better informed about crime and police activity in their local area, and help us to keep their communities safe. The messaging service, called Northamptonshire Neighbourhood Alert, is free and simple to activate by registering at:


Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Danielle Stone has launched an online consultation on her draft police, fire and crime plan, which sets the blueprint for police and fire services in Northamptonshire.

Both a copy of the plan and the link to the survey can be found on the OPFCC website, here: Precept and Plan Consultation - Northamptonshire Police & Fire Commissioner


The latest edition of the OPFCC Newsletter can be accessed here


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Dear Resident

Please tell us about the issues that matter most to you in the area where you live and work by completing a short survey. The information you give us will help identify the local neighbourhood policing priorities for your area.

We would like to know about any crime or anti-social behaviour that is causing you concern and if there is anything specific you would like us to focus on. We’d also like to know how safe you feel when out and about in your neighbourhood and whether you think the police are doing a good job at tackling local crime and disorder.

The survey takes just a few minutes and we would really appreciate you taking the time share your views. The more feedback we get, the better we can understand what the issues are for local people.

At a county level, we have four Matters of Priority that Northamptonshire Police will put a special focus on over the next 12 months – serious and organised crime, domestic abuse, knife crime and anti-social behaviour.

We will also set up to three local priorities for each policing area every three months based on local crime statistics and the feedback we get from the community. We will tell you what those priorities are and keep you informed about the action we are taking to address them.

Your feedback is really important and we appreciate you taking the time to share your views with us.

Thank you

PS 888 Leigh Françoise Goodwin NPT Sergeant

East Northants Neighbourhood Policing Team
